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Dettmer Jana, photo portrait - Global GalleriesJana Dettmer is an artist, firmly established in life as a lawyer and entrepreneur. She is exploring and living out her imagination through pure colour painting, which is her way for better understanding life in its complexity.
After pursuing her faible for the arts all over her life, Jana Dettmer made a decision in one phase of personal questions of meaning, to take on the effort for additional working as an artist. Her art development led her into an increasingly intense examination of the power of colours and its great significance for our souls.
Born: June 9th, 1965 in Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, she lives and works for many years in Cologne and South France.
Since 1990 she had been making recurring study trips all over Europe and the USA.
She was educated through self-study as a painter, but from 2013 – 2015 she started to study painting at the Free Art School Cologne. Parallel to this, she got experiences as  assistant to Heinz Zolper, Michael Jansen, Christos Karas and various other academy trained artists.
She discovered the importance of abstract and monochrome painting for herself very early, when she dealt with the aesthetic, psychological and philosophical meaning of colours.

Random emergence as a principle.

What the artist herself touches in the act of painting and achieves, gradually disappears under the final surface of her paintings and graphics. That’s the reason her work is also an invitation to those people, who come in contact with her works. They will to feel their own  power and will come in communication with themselves, the surrounding space and people.
Jana Dettmer explains this situation, what can happen, as a part of her artistic concept: Rationally the canvases and plates contain nothing but colour and in this view they are free of myths, memories and associations. But at last the created work is completed through the  eye of the beholder and his/her atmospheric encounter. If this will be happen, her works will touch people in their innermost being and at the same time a positive sustainable situation will arise.

Works of the artist are exhibited over the last years at Discovery Art Fair Frankfurt, St-ART Strassbourg, Artforum TAS Athen, Art Monaco, Art Karlsruhe, Salons d’art contemorain Paris (art3f), Art Brussels. A longterm exhibition is hold at Galerie Böhner Mannheim and works can be seen permanently at Jana Dettmer’s art space Kunstraum268.

In 2025:

Salon international d’art contemporain art3f Strasbourg, mit LDXArt Gallery, 28.02. – 02.03.2025,
Parc des Expositions Strasbourg, Hall 1, avenue Herrenschmidt, 67000 Strasbourg, France.
Discovery Art Fair Cologne, mit Kunstraum268, 03.04. – 06.04.2025, XPOST, Gladbacher Wall 5, 50670 Köln.
Solo exhibition Galerie Böhner, April / May G7 / 7, 68159 Mannheim

Abstrakte Farbfeldmalerei. Die Kunst der Befreiung. Ed. P. Merten, ArtForum Editions 2021
Die weibliche Sicht auf die Welt, ArtForum Editions 2022
Power of Colour, Jana Dettmer. ArtForum Editions 2022
Power of Colour, Jana Dettmer (in New York City), ArtForum Editions 2023
New Colour Painting, Jana Dettmer. Monograph (en/ger), ArtForum Editions 2023


Jana Dettmer

Winter Stiftung

Artforum Culture Foundation

MoCa Skopje

